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320A Rated K4 Adapter 320A Rated K4 Adapter PDF



Rated for 400A Max, 320A continuous

The Landis & Gyr (Siemens) K4 meter socket with a Siemens K-Base meter installed will handle high current applications without missing a beat. Sometimes however, the customer loads do not justify the expense of the K-Base meter. This simple Marwell adapter will allow the installation of a Class 320 meter into a K4 socket.

320A Rated K4 Adapter enclosure

* Dead front design.
* Ventilated housing.
* Spring loaded jaws.
* Upgraded conductor components.
* Constructed from UL recognized components.
* Anti-rotation devices on jaw assemblies.
* Optional keyed jaw to accept keyed Class 320 meters.


Ordering Information
Part # SP-2386 for 2s meter on K-4 service
UL Listed logo
* Jaw Guides Standard
320A Rated K4 Adapter Jaw Guides Closeup
* Ground Flanges Standard
320A Rated K4 Adapter Ground Flanges Closeup
* Grounding Provisions Standard
320A Rated K4 Adapter Grounding Provisions Closeup